About us

ARCA PERFORMANCE & SOLUTIONS SRL is a company with Romanian private capital that imports and distributes medical equipment and medical supplies in Romania. We are the authorized representatives for marketing, installation, training and service for the following manufacturers in Romania our partners.

Arca Performance is an important supplier of  customers in Bucharest and all over the country, we list some of them:

  • University Emergency Hospital, Bucharest
  • St. John’s Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest
  • Colentina Clinical Hospital
  • Fundeni Clinical Institute
  • “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Stei City Hospital
  • Huedin City Hospital

In order to develop continuously our POCT Market, we have a a strong partnership with Marketing Specialists Company and we are active participating to the most important local Conferences & Congresses managed by the Key Opinion Leaders from Emergency and ICU Departments as:

  • Romanian National Cardiology Congress, Romanian Society of Cardiology
  • National Conference in Emergency Medicine (SARTISS), Baile Felix
  • Timişoara National Course of Protocols,Guides in Anaesthesia , ICU and Emergency Medicine
  • ICU National Congress Sinaia, Romania
Our mission Our values Our ideology
Provide unrivaled Value
Added Products & Services.
Pioneer the introduction of latest technologies.
Focus on specialized & professional services.
Plan succession & career development for all employees.
We work as a family.
We consider all employees
as members of this family.
We deal with honesty with all stakeholders.
Customer satisfaction is our # 1 Goal.
People are the main source of our Energy.
Adding Value is our main goal.
All our efforts are directed to achieve this Goal.
Profit is a measure of our success.
Our Success will be shared amongst the People.


VAT: RO 40658588


Email: office@arca.solutions

Phone number: +40720300005